If you've been going with the flow, and you've suddenly, unexpectedly hit a brick wall, welcome, this article is for you. Before I go into the ways you can deal with the writer's block, let me preface this by saying WELL DONE for writing, for keeping on going, for finding the time, and the confidence to do it. It's a tough craft. Many are paralysed by fear and don't even start, so I'm happy to have you with us.
Also, I need to say that there are two types of writer's blocks. The first is a mild block which typically lasts from a few hours to a few days. The second one is a deep writer's block which takes up weeks, if not months, to get over and would take pages to describe. The advice below applies to the milder case, as what we call a block is usually a reaction to the outside pressures that have piled up and shut you down. Maybe you've been writing for three, or four days in a row. Maybe you haven't met a deadline and the stress of missing another one is sucking the creativity out of you. Whatever the case may be, here is what to do:
Run an errand for somebody. It feels good; it will reenergise you, and take your mind off your own problems.
Watch a film. Yes, watch a full-length, two-hours long block-buster, not a video which will make you slide into the evil vortex of youtube madness. Taking a few hours break to re-focus does wonders for the mind. Besides, delving into another art form may reinspire you as well as give you some perspective on what you are doing. I know it sounds scary to let yourself carve out a two-hours break in the middle of the day but do not confuse purposeful breaks with procrastination - two different thigns.
Do something useless that you enjoy. Exercise, frame a picture, make your bed, wash the dished, water a plant, anything. It’s been proven that we get a hit of dopamine from accomplishing a task (no matter how small). This helps you to think of yourself as a success. And… if you’re a success already, you may as well produce something brilliant, right?
Sometimes a block has physiological causes. This is going to sound like a broken record of a doctor, but are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy? These things can and will affect your performace. Being the best writer you can be starts with taking care of yourself. (Sorry to blow away the mythical cobwebs of stories showcasing Hemingway and the Paris Underground writers drinking absinthe in dimly-lit burlesque dens while writing, or well... doodling. Maybe... they were trying to deal with their blocks...? In any case, I'm pretty sure 'The Sun Also Rises' was polished by a sober mind. They did the writing before, or long after the partying, not during...)
Keep going and happy writing!
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